Paid social ads training

Menter a Busnes

The brief

We were tasked with designing and delivering a comprehensive training program to upskill the Menter a Busnes team in running Meta ads for their business.

The team had dabbled with social media ads but hadn't seen a huge return, and generally wanted to raise the team's confidence when it came to planning ads, creating impactful ad content and measuring results.

What we did

Research and planning

Our first step with any client work is to get to know the client. Sounds simple, but oh-so-important.

At this information-gathering stage, we learned all about the client's processes, goals, challenges, frustrations and past results running Meta ads, to tailor a highly relevant and valuable program for the team.

We shared a draft and structure of the training with the client to get their feedback to ensure that what we were planning was as relevant as possible, with no gaps in knowledge or too much time extended to topics with which they were already confident.


We split the program into three separate sessions to allow for thorough information-sharing on different aspects of running ads.

Throughout the program, we engaged in workshops, discussions, demos, and opportunities for the team to get stuck in and get their creative cogs turning.

What the client said 👇

"We had three great training sessions from Libera learning about paid ads on social media. Elan and Alun presented in a simple, understandable way and conveyed their expertise brilliantly. We learned a huge amount - thank you."

Gwenan Davies - Corporate Marketing Officer, Menter a Busnes